
发布于 菊花 2024-02-29
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06


    在它的美丽中,国力、言语、言语、网络的样子,我以为它不怕雪霜。 冬天,所有的花朵都凋谢了,只有它为这个寒冷的冬天增添了美丽。 宁可抱着香枝长老,总比在秋风中与黄叶共舞。

  2. 匿名用户2023-11-05

    it is a state of mind; it is no

  1. 2个回答2024-02-29

    看! 菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽般的花瓣紧紧地簇拥在一起,远远望去,真是一副似的模样。 >>>More

  2. 2个回答2024-02-29

    在我家门前,有几朵小野菊。 不知道这些野菊是什么时候开始在那里生长的,在我的记忆里,好像只有一两朵,然后它们长得越来越旺盛,长得大大的。每年秋叶散落,寒冬来临之际,都会绽放,金黄的花朵十分醒目! >>>More

  3. 1个回答2024-02-29

    In a school,There is a man named Li day he gets up very early,Every time the teacher asked a question,He was the one who raised his is over,Li Hua and sit at the same table and some brothers to play time I call the bell,He runs the physical education class,He ran down the day he is like this.

  4. 1个回答2024-02-29

    Marinated Tomato

    Tomato 300g >>>More

  5. 3个回答2024-02-29

    I have a good name is Liming.

    He is thirteen years likes exercise,usually when he comes home from eating habits are pretty likes eating vegetables and never eats junk food. >>>More