
发布于 2024-02-05
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    李娜是跳水运动员,不是游泳运动员。 不要说我更认真。

  2. 匿名用户2023-11-05


  1. 1个回答2024-02-05

    62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383861) by Chinese media.

  2. 3个回答2024-02-05

    李振宇原本是长沙监狱的一名普通工人,安仁县人,1969年以知识分子青年身份进入长沙。 退休前,妻子在长沙锌厂工作,也是一名普通工人。

  3. 1个回答2024-02-05

    前体操世界冠军李小平的女儿李安琪和前体操队公认的美女文佳,在美国出生和长大,但接受了良好的中国传统教育。 >>>More

  4. 1个回答2024-02-05

    参考 URL

  5. 3个回答2024-02-05


    性别:男。 国籍:湖南。 >>>More

  6. 4个回答2024-02-05

    Dear Phelps,I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure took many photos of the activities our class took part in I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your ,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us. >>>More

  7. 4个回答2024-02-05

    一定不是金莎,也不是李霞。 没人知道是谁,孩子现在不是全公了吗,你看看他的小头公主,说不定你就能看看她妈妈长什么样子,o(o....

  8. 1个回答2024-02-05

    如果你是李华,你的同学JACK在美国做交换生时,因甲型流感入院,很紧张。 你从他父亲的电话中得知了这件事,并决定写一封哀悼信。 主要功能包括: >>>More

  9. 1个回答2024-02-05

    Na Li is the most incredible tennis player of China. Up to now ,she got four single titles and two double titles of WTA, and what`s more she is the first chinese player who got the single title during the WTA tour. Besides she is the first top ten player of China who gets right now. >>>More

  10. 1个回答2024-02-05

    some say love

    it is a river >>>More

  11. 1个回答2024-02-05

    junior high school life is a mysterious cotton yarn, always want to lift its true colors, look inside the surprise; now opened, but brought a lot of troubles and confusion, happy, sad, and so on. This surprise really let oneself can not

  12. 1个回答2024-02-05

    在生活中,我们需要成功的喜悦,挫折的痛苦,欢笑,以及勇往直前的勇气 勇气就是敢想敢做,不怕气势 人生需要很多很多的勇气,在各种条件下才能证明一个人是有勇气还是懦弱 成功的人有什么? 智慧? 人才? >>>More

  13. 1个回答2024-02-05


    8:00,我们去超市买了面包、火腿、饮料。 出超市,我们打算坐公交车32313133353236313431303231363533e78988e69d8331333337393531 >>>More