
发布于 玫瑰 2024-03-27
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06


  2. 匿名用户2023-11-05

    就看情况了,我现在就不买,因为我还没有女朋友,有了就出去买。 也许你可能知道是骗子,卖花的人一般都是小孩子,不当着女朋友的面买也不好,所以还是买比较好,钱也不错。

  3. 匿名用户2023-11-04


  4. 匿名用户2023-11-03


  5. 匿名用户2023-11-02


  6. 匿名用户2023-11-01


  1. 1个回答2024-03-27

    桃花随春飘落,桃枝繁叶茂,枝条挂在夏天的枝条上。 >>>More

  2. 2个回答2024-03-27

    丰富的葡萄糖 - 激活糖原合酶 - 肌糖原合成>肝糖原合成 - 唇合酶 - 脂肪合成。

  3. 1个回答2024-03-27

    金合欢花的味道香甜,富含维生素和多种矿物质,还具有清热解毒、清血润肺、降血压、预防中风等功效。 采摘后,可以做汤、拌菜、炖饭,也可以做金合欢饼、饺子,日常生活中最常见的是蒸刺槐花(又称金合欢小麦饭),我国很多地区都有这种习惯,做法很简单,将洗净的刺槐花加入面粉中拌匀, 然后加入精盐、味精等调味料,搅拌均匀后放入笼式抽屉蒸熟。此外,金合欢花还可以添加到粥和汤中。 >>>More

  4. 4个回答2024-03-27

    Dear Tom,is Li you for your am sorry to hear that you are becoming fatter and fatter don't worry, would like to give you some a matter of fact,being fat is nothing serious,so there is no need to be ,eating too much meat and fat together with a lack of exercise leads to a rise of weight and ,in my opinion,you should do the ,keep doing exercise for more than half an hour every ,keep a balanced more fruit and vegetable and little ,have a long walk after a hope that will help luck. >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-03-27

    一般来说,摊位的销售环境决定了不会有太高端的观众,所以除了一些专业性很强的摊位外,大部分摊位都不会有什么好东西,质量基本没有保证。 >>>More

  6. 4个回答2024-03-27


  7. 17个回答2024-03-27


  8. 1个回答2024-03-27

    你好,目前紫砂泥比较复杂,很多紫砂盆的原料都是类似紫砂泥的粘土,那么盆友们如何辨别紫砂泥的好坏,真假。 >>>More

  9. 3个回答2024-03-27

    除了"问:谁是风风雨雨的领主?"除了最重要的原因外,还有最重要的原因:这棵树几乎没有病虫害,是常绿的。 >>>More

  10. 1个回答2024-03-27

    女贞,又称冬青,是女贞科的常绿灌木或乔木,高度可达25米; 树皮呈灰褐色。 枝黄褐色、灰色或紫红色,圆柱形,稀疏圆形或长圆形。 >>>More

  11. 1个回答2024-03-27


  12. 1个回答2024-03-27

    王蓉知道李道的苦涩李[来源] 南朝宋刘一清《天下说新语,雅良六》:“王蓉七岁,他和所有的孩子一起回味回去旅行,看到路边的李树上有许多儿子和折断的树枝,孩子们争先恐后地拿走, 但荣没有动。当被问到时,他们回答说:“这棵树在路边,种子很多,会很苦。 理所当然。 >>>More

  13. 2个回答2024-03-27

    你确定它已解锁吗? 如果解开了,恭喜你,使用起来可以放心了,还可以进入售后全国保修。

  14. 6个回答2024-03-27


    《小乌鸦自爱妈妈》歌词: >>>More

  15. 2个回答2024-03-27


  16. 2个回答2024-03-27

    购买违禁商品也是违法的,而且没有交易证明,所以不要搬起石头砸自己的脚。 这就像买一堂课。

  17. 4个回答2024-03-27


  18. 2个回答2024-03-27

    Dear Jack,I am sorry to hear in the phone call with your father that you were in hospital for you got the A H1N1 virus which made me feel so don't know how you got it,however,don't be so scared for the A H1N1 virus is medicable duo to the high just need to be clam and partner the treatment with the ,I want to give some advice about how to prevent the A H1N1 ,you mustn't go to the places full of people to reduce the probability of getting ,you should wash your hand before the meals and after you go home from do this can you precent yourself from getting it again. >>>More

  19. 1个回答2024-03-27

    I'm a have many favorites.

    My favorite subjekt is you ask me"why do you like math".Because I think math is very can help get good grades. >>>More

  20. 1个回答2024-03-27


    The experience of learning English >>>More

  21. 1个回答2024-03-27


  22. 2个回答2024-03-27

    how to learn english

    如何学习英语。 >>>More

  23. 2个回答2024-03-27


  24. 1个回答2024-03-27


  25. 1个回答2024-03-27

    它是一种非洲菊,也被称为向日葵!! 它象征着相互尊重和爱护,坚韧不拔,不怕困难

  26. 2个回答2024-03-27


  27. 1个回答2024-03-27

    看颜色,遇见无杂质特别好,物有所值! 如果有很多杂志,它们就不值钱了。

  28. 1个回答2024-03-27


  29. 10个回答2024-03-27

    Dear Mr. Jone

    I want to thank you for I met terrible fog helpless time, you gave me a lot of help,, you took my hand to give me to lead the way, and encouraged me to brave, thank you help me eliminate fear, now I have graduate from college, I go back to China. How are you doing, you still happy as we live together day? If you have free, I'd like to invite you to China. >>>More

  30. 1个回答2024-03-27

    Since last summer,I have written to my pen pal,Seda,who lives in became acquainted with her when I went to England for a study tour. We stayed with the same family,and she was my roommate and classmate as we went to the movies together after is very easy to get along will always remember the two weeks I spent with didn't forget each other and kept writing to each other after we returned home