
发布于 2024-06-25
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    Li Hua and his family have some things to do.


  1. 1个回答2024-06-25


    Li Hua is my classmate. I'm very familiar with him. >>>More

  2. 1个回答2024-06-25

    您好,早期梅毒的症状并不明显,即在初次感染期间,一般是通过性接触传播的,如果二期或三期梅毒会出现多个器官和系统的损伤,这种损伤往往是不可逆的损伤,建议大家可以进一步检查TPPA,如果确定自己已经感染, 您可以进行青霉素治疗,这也是现在的主要治疗药物,并且不与家人发生性关系,分开洗漱用品和衣服,其他家庭成员也要接受检查,因为它也可以通过唾液传播。

  3. 1个回答2024-06-25

    李白,字太白了,数字是青莲居士。唐代伟大的浪漫主义诗人被誉为 诗人不朽

  4. 2个回答2024-06-25


  5. 1个回答2024-06-25

    Li Fang wants to make up with him.

  6. 2个回答2024-06-25

    在对李白家族史的研究中,根据《旧唐书:柴少传》及所附的《平阳公主传》,可以发现李白的女儿名叫平阳,“平阳”二字原来是唐初著名的女军领袖, 柴少的妻子平阳公主。平阳公主随李唐大军打天下时,组织了女子军,为巩固后方、拥护父、兄、夫事业做出了突出贡献,从而载入史册。 李白给女儿取名平阳,把希望寄托在当爸爸上。 >>>More

  7. 5个回答2024-06-25

    没有女朋友,只是MV而已,现在是绯闻,而李佳宁已经是小马保镖的妻子了,所以所有的绯闻! 而小凯是童星,散布一点绯闻很正常。

  8. 5个回答2024-06-25


    那不是FF的女朋友吗!! 如果是这样,我会生气很久 >>>More

  9. 4个回答2024-06-25


    如果有人有它,请将其发送下来 >>>More

  10. 2个回答2024-06-25


    英文名:Chris Lee >>>More

  11. 1个回答2024-06-25


    在茫茫人海中,同姓同姓。 >>>More

  12. 1个回答2024-06-25


  13. 4个回答2024-06-25

    Dear Tom,is Li you for your am sorry to hear that you are becoming fatter and fatter don't worry, would like to give you some a matter of fact,being fat is nothing serious,so there is no need to be ,eating too much meat and fat together with a lack of exercise leads to a rise of weight and ,in my opinion,you should do the ,keep doing exercise for more than half an hour every ,keep a balanced more fruit and vegetable and little ,have a long walk after a hope that will help luck. >>>More

  14. 1个回答2024-06-25

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school from 2001 to I am studying at the Middle School in main courses are Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,geography,history,politics,PE and so have many hobbies,such as swimming,palying basketball,PingPong, like listening to music and my favourite nusic is pop dream is to become a doctor because many and many patients have fewer tained docors and very little I will become a good doctor to help these people and let them live a happy you.我叫李华,1995年2月出生于四川成都。 >>>More

  15. 4个回答2024-06-25

    Dear Phelps,I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure took many photos of the activities our class took part in I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your ,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us. >>>More

  16. 1个回答2024-06-25


    四川省公安厅交警总队宣传部缺兵。 >>>More

  17. 1个回答2024-06-25


  18. 2个回答2024-06-25

    <><李华灯。 老艺人回答说,樱花很粗糙,并签名唱回的名字。

  19. 2个回答2024-06-25


    老爷子离开了西边的黄鹤楼,烟花在三月下到了扬州。 >>>More

  20. 2个回答2024-06-25

    在很多人眼里,李鸿章是个不折不扣的民族败类,别的不说,光是看着李鸿章签了那么多羞辱国的条约,觉得李鸿章是叛徒,也许有点太偏执了,李鸿章作为大臣,自然是要分担主人的后顾之忧,慈禧命令他签条约的时候,他怎么敢不去。 >>>More

  21. 3个回答2024-06-25


  22. 2个回答2024-06-25


  23. 3个回答2024-06-25


  24. 3个回答2024-06-25

    6 人中有 2 人拥有:

    6X5 215 张。 >>>More

  25. 4个回答2024-06-25


  26. 1个回答2024-06-25


    5人。 答:每人可分享5个水果。 >>>More

  27. 1个回答2024-06-25


    6 个答案:每人应该得到 6 个苹果。 >>>More

  28. 5个回答2024-06-25


    10(人)。2(个)。 >>>More

  29. 2个回答2024-06-25

    李小龙(1940年11月27日-1973年7月20日),原名李振凡,出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,祖籍中国广东省佛山市顺德区君安镇。 >>>More

  30. 5个回答2024-06-25

    250 (5*10)=5 天 * 人。