
发布于 2024-06-20
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06


  2. 匿名用户2023-11-05


  3. 匿名用户2023-11-04

    然后看看班主任的通知,谁要走就走谁,那他会放谁走呢? 你必须听,如果你不听,你就会被清理干净。

  4. 匿名用户2023-11-03


  5. 匿名用户2023-11-02

    通知就够了吗? 有问题吗?

  6. 匿名用户2023-11-01


  7. 匿名用户2023-10-31


  1. 2个回答2024-06-20

    I am the monitor of class three, class nine, Li Ming.

    我是李明,九年级三班的班长。 >>>More

  2. 2个回答2024-06-20


  3. 1个回答2024-06-20

    郭大佑冷笑道:“福天年纪小,做错了事也无话可说,骂他糊涂了。 舅舅已经不年轻了,舅舅为什么不去郭家谈这件事? >>>More

  4. 2个回答2024-06-20

    I'm wangNan,a student of Middle School. I have a gooa friend,' an USA are both in Class Two,Grade is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study 'm good at physices,but she's good at often help each other with of us like helping others. >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Li Ming is one of the most diligent/hardworking student in my class.

  6. 1个回答2024-06-20

    I was the star of the middle school class leader Li Hua

    I was the star of the middle school class leader Li Hua >>>More

  7. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Dear Fred,Good day!

    I am Li Hua , precident of the Student Union from XXX School. >>>More

  8. 2个回答2024-06-20

    问题的表达不完整,你想要什么? 感谢信?

  9. 2个回答2024-06-20


  10. 4个回答2024-06-20

    I am 18 high class monitor Li Hua 班长[bān zhǎng].

    词典监视器; 班级监视器(学生班级的班级)。 >>>More

  11. 5个回答2024-06-20

    提取码:12M9 李永乐 王世安数学团队,通过对大家近期的复习和出现的问题,为考生复习冲刺阶段的分数和指导。 在冲刺阶段,目的是总结试题中的问题和不足,对照教学大纲检查和补齐空白,提高实用素养,制定做题策略,规划试卷草稿,特别是实战心理素质。 >>>More

  12. 3个回答2024-06-20

    My name is li Ming is the class 1, grade 7 students

  13. 4个回答2024-06-20

    Li Ming is a student from Class Three, Grade One.

  14. 4个回答2024-06-20

    班长李明是德智体全面发展的好学生。 他不仅关心集体,刻苦学习,还注重体育锻炼。 因此,他被评为三等学生。 他对语言特别感兴趣,经常为《语言日报》撰稿。 >>>More

  15. 4个回答2024-06-20

    我们班有个同学是李红,他把这句话改成了: >>>More

  16. 2个回答2024-06-20


  17. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Dear Tom,I'm very glad to tell you something about Spring Festival. >>>More

  18. 1个回答2024-06-20


  19. 2个回答2024-06-20

    Hello 翻译为:

    I'm Li Hua from grade two (10). >>>More

  20. 1个回答2024-06-20


  21. 2个回答2024-06-20

    I'm your friend,LiMing

  22. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Li Hua is student of grade 2 in senior high school.

    李华是高中一二班的学生。 >>>More

  23. 3个回答2024-06-20

    紫云香做纯正的古树茶,客服在发货的时候会给你一份你订购的产品样品,服务很好,紫云香的老半掌比其他厂家贵,数量太少。 似乎都是他们的茶人乐凡先生,从选材、采摘,到压榨,一系列的监工来完成。 一定是100%半张古树茶。

  24. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Dear Tom, Would you mind to find some other time for meeting me, since I have been fully occupied by 14:00 GEO. 15: >>>More

  25. 2个回答2024-06-20


  26. 2个回答2024-06-20

    Dear Mike:

    Hello, hear that you want to knowl something about chinese students' let me tell you our ,Chinese,physics,chemicals are the most important subjects in our also have Einglish,history and so hope this will help you. >>>More

  27. 1个回答2024-06-20

    I will introduce my style of get up early every day,then I go to school by my free time,I will play games with my ,I like reading some intresting busy day,I am going doing my homework,then I watching TV with my like my style of life,happy every day.

  28. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Li Yan is the student of Class 3, Grade Six .

  29. 1个回答2024-06-20

    你好! 我是李华,三年级八年级学生。

    I'm li hua, a student class 8, grade three >>>More

  30. 1个回答2024-06-20

    Li hua, whose English name is Tony, is a student in Class Two, Grade One in No. One Middle School,