请问李玉春的英文介绍。 简单地说,我第一辈子就写了它。 附中文翻译

发布于 2024-06-04
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    Li Yuchun is a Chinese singer .Her English name is Chris Lee .She is 27 years old and her birthday is On March 10th .

    She comes from Cheng Du ,Si Chuan and She lives in Can speak Chinese and a little likes singing and dancing very much .And she can play the piano and the guitar .She likes listening to the music and playing computer games on the weekend .

    Her favorite animal is cat and her favorite sport is playing basketball . She is a very beautiful girl .I like listening to her songs .

    She is my favorite singer .

  2. 匿名用户2023-11-05


  1. 1个回答2024-06-04

    Apples,as eaten in the fresh state,are a healthy refreshing,crunchy quench your thirst and their acid content makes them a natural mouth bite into a fresh picked apple is a memorable juice is honey sweet and spicy tart at the same time and the flesh is fragrant and crisp. >>>More

  2. 1个回答2024-06-04


    ><>对盖子的来源充满抵抗力! >>>More

  3. 4个回答2024-06-04

    台湾作家邢林子在12岁时患上了严重的关节炎和风湿病,当时他的手脚头不能转动,手脚不能走路,脑袋不能转动,他应该意味着他像植物人一样不能去,但他不读书反而自学了很多科技书籍, 而且写了不少书,最暖心的是他把稿子的钱全部捐给了残疾人,却一分钱也没拿到。

  4. 5个回答2024-06-04

    一。 秋天,盛开的野菊花以质朴而生机勃勃为特点,花期也很长。 >>>More

  5. 2个回答2024-06-04


    玫瑰需要先用正方形的彩纸杜、剪刀准备: >>>More

  6. 1个回答2024-06-04

    材料:1/2个新鲜木瓜,2个鸡蛋,1茶匙红糖(如果没有白糖),牛奶。 >>>More

  7. 2个回答2024-06-04


  8. 1个回答2024-06-04

    Rose is much more a symbol than a kind of thousand years,old China has seen this flower as a sign of true love and pure are sweetly described as they 're thought as beautiful as them. >>>More

  9. 3个回答2024-06-04


  10. 2个回答2024-06-04

    李雨春有10000个嫉妒的理由,她是超人气出道冠军,她能创作策划,能唱歌能跳舞,能驾驭大牌服装,能坐在歌唱评委席上,演唱会座无虚席,有一群永不放弃的粉丝,她怎么会这么幸运, 这样的明星之旅,让人嫉妒不已,不公。而且这个女孩从不示弱,独立,不讨人喜欢,也不容易发炎。 所以有一些鸡巴丝绸“批评”是可以的。

  11. 5个回答2024-06-04

    ………不要提倡为这些 YY ··汗!!!

  12. 4个回答2024-06-04


    中国红十字基金会推广公益歌曲。 >>>More

  13. 2个回答2024-06-04

    Aoaeo 出发或冰菊故事。

  14. 7个回答2024-06-04


    但是问谁1211111 >>>More

  15. 2个回答2024-06-04
