
发布于 2024-08-01
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-07

    Dear Lee:

    I heard that you became too tired working for the exams. Sorry for that, and as your friend, I think here are some suggestions.

    As you know, health is the most important. Whatever goals you want to achieve, you must firstly pay attention to your body. I would suggest that you go to a doctor and ask for some advice.

    There is endless work we have to do for the exams, so the best solution to balance health and scores in the exams is to make yourself a schedule on which you have time for sports or hanging out with friends. Or else, maybe you can study with your classmates and friends. In that way, you can communicate with each other to help with the questions and make the exams easier compared studying by yourself.

    I wish with all my heart that you can be better soon.XXX

  2. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    Dear LiHua,I was informed that you had been overwork while preparing for the examination, Let me give you some advice from my experience. To prepare for an examination, always have a structured time table of what you want to do. You should have a balance between studying and playing or relaxing.

    Also try to pu some short relax time between the study period. Playing time could be excersizing, like jogging, or having a good stroll to relax your mind. Another important point to note is that you must eat well.

    Try to have more green vegatables or fruits in your meals. Studying to late to the wee hours is no good. It is better to have enough sleep.

    I hope you will heed my advice and structure your study. I wish you success!!


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