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发布于 2024-09-22
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-07

    Sang Lan is a former Chinese gymnast and television personality. Sang achieved excellence in gymnastics at a young age, winning the all-around and every single event final at the 1991 Zhejiang Province Championships.

    In New York at the Goodwill Games, during warmups for the vault event final, Sang fell while she was performing a timer. She could not raise herself from the mat and was taken to the hospital. She underwent spinal realignment and cervical spine fusion, however the injury to her spinal cord was quite extensive.

    The result of the injury was paralysis from the mid-chest returning to China, Sang has become a celebrity and an advocate for the disabled. A television miniseries about her life was produced in the late 1990s.

  1. 2个回答2024-09-22

    珀西·比希·雪莱是 19 世纪最伟大的英国抒情诗人。 雪莱于1792年8月4日出生于英国赛克斯郡的一个古老贵族家庭,六岁开始学习拉丁语,后来学习数学、法语、天文学、地理、物理和化学。 12岁时,他进入了贵族中学。 >>>More

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    我们学校有很多有趣的地方,但我最喜欢的是我们班管理的草坪。 >>>More

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    野菊花 你见过野菊花生长在山坡上的田野吗? 你喜欢遍布大山的野菊花吗? 或许,它并不吸睛,因为它只是一朵普通的小花。 >>>More

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    有一天,小鹿在他家门前的花坛里种了一朵玫瑰。 >>>More

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    Li Hua is my good friend. He likes sports or outdoor activities, whether indoor sports. We get along very well, often exchange of feelings and thoughts. >>>More