
发布于 2024-10-12
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-07


  2. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    Is English Lishan's favorite?没错。

  3. 匿名用户2023-11-05

    Is English Li Shan's favorite?寻求收养。

  4. 匿名用户2023-11-04

    Li Shan most likes the subject is English?

  1. 1个回答2024-10-12

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than >>>More

  2. 4个回答2024-10-12

    My favorite fruit is grapes

  3. 3个回答2024-10-12

    His favorite teacher is English teacher Liyong, they are good friend.

  4. 1个回答2024-10-12

    My favorite vegetables are cabbages and tomatoes.

    祝你在学业上取得进步,更上一层楼! 请记得领养,谢谢! (* >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-10-12

    My favorite flower is tulip .

  6. 2个回答2024-10-12

    你好! 李珊的头发很长。

    Li Shan's hair is long. >>>More

  7. 4个回答2024-10-12


    我最喜欢的水果是苹果阳光水果。 >>>More

  8. 2个回答2024-10-12


  9. 1个回答2024-10-12

    There are so many kinds of my favourite friuit is lots of people like to eat apple ,so do i. >>>More

  10. 4个回答2024-10-12

    He like eat tomato best.帮我一个忙,我正在做任务,给一个美丽的女人或一个英俊的阿姨或叔叔谢谢。

  11. 1个回答2024-10-12

    62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383861) by Chinese media.

  12. 2个回答2024-10-12

    如果想要一个英文名字,可以叫Lee,一个男孩的名字,也很大气。 >>>More

  13. 1个回答2024-10-12

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than class is funny and we can understand it is always kind to us while sometimes she will be strict with us. Her teaching quantity is higher and higher due to she is >>>More

  14. 4个回答2024-10-12

    too many tomatoes

    西红柿太多了。 >>>More

  15. 4个回答2024-10-12


    翻译:李丽我喜欢你 >>>More

  16. 1个回答2024-10-12

    I like Li Ronghao lyrics

  17. 4个回答2024-10-12

    It likes to play with Li Lei

  18. 3个回答2024-10-12

    你好! 他非常喜欢西红柿。

    He likes tomatoes very much. >>>More

  19. 1个回答2024-10-12


    太子李洪因仁慈孝顺而受到内外和反对派的称赞,但他体弱多病,国家的政务大多由戴志德、张文君、萧德昭等东宫官员处理。 [15] >>>More

  20. 4个回答2024-10-12

    An apple a day keeps the doctor away,"Apples could help boost your immune system, since they contain vitamin C and other antioxidants like quercetin, which may also protect brain cells against Alzheimer's disease. >>>More

  21. 1个回答2024-10-12

    I like the wine made from grapes.

  22. 1个回答2024-10-12


  23. 5个回答2024-10-12

    Lee在英语中是lee,Li bar。

    Seo 大概就是 Seo >>>More

  24. 1个回答2024-10-12

    您好,翻译为:李欣's restautant food is ..delicious . >>>More

  25. 6个回答2024-10-12


  26. 1个回答2024-10-12


  27. 3个回答2024-10-12


    Li Fei's brother likes to go fishing. >>>More

  28. 1个回答2024-10-12


  29. 8个回答2024-10-12

    Don't your parents like eating tomatoes?你爸妈不喜欢吃西红柿吗?

  30. 1个回答2024-10-12


    《第一财经早报》:你喜欢篮球,那你喜欢足球吗? 下一届世界杯会看吗? >>>More