
发布于 香椿 2024-04-15
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    假期后的第一天早晨,阳光明媚,微风拂面,世间万物仿佛一夜之间恢复了生机。 看着如此美丽的一幕,我忍不住下了楼。 独自走在民居之间,抬头望去,却只看到一缕缕天空,附近没有太多的人,仿佛在喊叫,世人只听见自己,路人或走人,开车经过,路过,一种孤独感自然而然地升起。

    建筑物之间会有一个开放空间,特别开放,人们可以在那里种植一些蔬菜,或者一些花草。 不知不觉中,我走到这片空地上,突然我的眼睛亮了起来,我被这里的一切惊呆了。

    住宅楼前的墙角整齐地种着树木,像一群还没学会走路的孩子,靠墙站着,花朵非常漂亮,大部分是深紫色和淡粉色的,但我叫不出名字。 土壤是棕褐色的,松散但坚硬。 在岩石的裂缝中或树下,一些花草自由生长,人们不注意它们。

    仿佛是人间仙境,外面的世界是两个世界,走在这里,你会放下城市里的浮躁,达到一种无私的境界。 走在这个小花园里,我看到一棵香椿树苗,大概只有一层楼高,但是有很多香椿花苞,两米远,就能闻到这芽的香味,不比胡椒花苞香,也不比花香浓,但人闻到它总能想起它。

    我祖母家门前有两棵香椿树,一高一矮,一粗一瘦。 我从家里听说,这棵老香椿树已经存在了30年,它一代又一代地陪伴着我们家,而这棵矮树只在这里呆了十年。 每年春天,它们都会第一个发芽,我们迫不及待地想采摘它们并尝试它们。



  1. 1个回答2024-04-15

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school from 2001 to I am studying at the Middle School in main courses are Chinese,maths,English,physics,chemistry,geography,history,politics,PE and so have many hobbies,such as swimming,palying basketball,PingPong, like listening to music and my favourite nusic is pop dream is to become a doctor because many and many patients have fewer tained docors and very little I will become a good doctor to help these people and let them live a happy you.我叫李华,1995年2月出生于四川成都。 >>>More

  2. 3个回答2024-04-15

    I am going to have a wonderful best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday , I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very really look forward to my weekend

  3. 2个回答2024-04-15

    我去。。。 又是李华...... 李华注定要陪伴我们3年!

  4. 2个回答2024-04-15

    李云迪,热爱音乐的中国著名钢琴家,1982年出生于重庆,小时候能哼唱歌曲,难度很大的乐曲。 他4岁开始学习手风琴,7岁开始学习钢琴。 2000年10月,李云迪参加波兰第14届肖邦国际钢琴比赛,获得团体一等奖。 >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-04-15

    How are you recently? Last month you came to Beijing to study, is also used to it by now? Tell you a good news, July. >>>More

  6. 2个回答2024-04-15


    别说他几十年前的奇迹,就像天山的奶奶一样,仅仅因为他帮助了那么多老人过马路,但他仍然完好无损地活着——没有被诬告,这值得每一个中国人对他最崇高的敬意! >>>More

  7. 2个回答2024-04-15

    I'm a 15 years old girl.(我是一个 15 岁的男孩)(自己更改细节)。 >>>More

  8. 1个回答2024-04-15

    上周,长期与癌症抗争的乔布斯去世,享年56岁。 全球数以万计的人哀悼他。 他是一个商人,就像商业世界一样"迈克·杰克逊".他的苹果系列产品就像音乐,触动人心,改变人们的生活。 >>>More

  9. 2个回答2024-04-15

    Dear Paul,I have got your letter, and thank you very much for inviting me to your school's cultural exchange and the introduction of Chinese Traditional Paintings next week's. I am sure it would be a wonderful experience for me, there must be plenty to learn which I shall find it really interesting and a lot of fun. Unfortunately, I have a bad new to tell you. >>>More

  10. 1个回答2024-04-15

    您好,以下是我根据题目要求写的一篇英文作文,希望对大家有所帮助: >>>More

  11. 3个回答2024-04-15

    我祖母家里有一棵石榴树。 有一次,我问奶奶这棵石榴树有多大,她笑着说:“这棵石榴树已经80多岁了。 ” >>>More

  12. 9个回答2024-04-15

    Dear friend:

    I have a plan on the day will go over the book that i've learnt and read the book which I'll be tought by the 's more ,I can help my parents do some housework .May be in the spare time ,I can have a interest in the know,I love it at 's about you?I'm look forward to your letter. >>>More

  13. 2个回答2024-04-15

    哇! 我太羡慕你了! 你的手机太先进了,不是吗? >>>More

  14. 4个回答2024-04-15

    Dear Phelps,I'm sorry that you have to go back home for medical treatment .It's totally a sudden for I always regard you as an athletic condition is permitted, I wish to know what disease have you Chinese tradition medical standard is very high now, maybe I can provide some the days you were absent,your classmates were so worried about your health condition and cure took many photos of the activities our class took part in I will transmit them with this e-mail togather to you,with the hope of reliefing your ,on behalf of all your classmates, I wish you can recover soon and go back to China to study with us. >>>More

  15. 1个回答2024-04-15

    How to make scrambled eggs with tomatos, now I'll show you: >>>More

  16. 1个回答2024-04-15

    Jasmine is rich in flowers, can be refined essential oils, become a common tropical crops, but also cultivate a large number of cultivars, the most famous is the small variety of tiger jasmine (Grand Duke of Tuscany). In China, commonly used jasmine to join the green tea scent into jasmine tea. >>>More

  17. 5个回答2024-04-15

    The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree,species Malus domestica in the rose family is one of the most widely cultivated tree tree is small and deciduous,reaching 5-12 m tall,with a broad,often densely twiggy leaves are alternately arranged simple ovals 5-12 cm long and 3-6 cm broad on a 2-5 cm petiole with an acute tip,serrated margin and a slightly downy are produced in spring simultaneous with the budding of the flowers are white,five petaled, cm in diameter,white with a pink tinge that gradually fruit matures in autumn,and is typically 5-9 cm diameter (rarely up to 15 cm).The centre of the fruit contains five carpels arranged in a five-point star,each carpel containing one to three seeds.

  18. 3个回答2024-04-15

    Rose is one of the most beautiful flower,it is symbolized as love by ,it will make great contribution to the couple in the significant days such as lover"s makes us feel a little upset is that rose fall off it is the reason why it stand for love.

  19. 1个回答2024-04-15

    Li Yang Crazy English是由Crazy English创始人李洋先生创立的专业英语培训机构。 李扬老师特意指派疯狂英语教学专家为学校进行教学质量管理和师资培训。 漓阳疯狂英语学校以一流的专业口语培训为引领,坚持以“漓阳疯狂英语快速突破法”和“漓阳疯狂英语Emax文本快速朗诵法”作为教学的两大法宝,开设了三类王牌课程,分别是: >>>More

  20. 1个回答2024-04-15

    水果的品种很多,有瓜中的高级西瓜、水果中的荔枝、水珠中的葡萄但我最喜欢吃的是苹果。 >>>More

  21. 5个回答2024-04-15


    我的家乡在陕西,那里盛产苹果,我喜欢吃家乡的苹果。 苹果的形状是球形的,大约有桃子那么大,它有一个独特的外观,苹果的顶茎上有对称的叶子,这是其他地方没有的。 >>>More

  22. 1个回答2024-04-15

    How to make scrambled eggs with tomatos, now I'll show you: >>>More

  23. 2个回答2024-04-15

    Dear sir or madam,I am Lihua,a student from Xinhua senior have a part-time job at school,what I do is a can type 120 words every addition,I am good at English and have the knowledge of the am really eager to get the job,because I want to improve my ambility. >>>More

  24. 1个回答2024-04-15

    my name is xxx,Winter holiday is am going to have a happy holidday. I am going to Beijing for a visit with my family. Beijing is the capital of China. >>>More

  25. 3个回答2024-04-15


    first of all,prepare four tomatos and three >>>More

  26. 1个回答2024-04-15

    如果你是李华,你的同学JACK在美国做交换生时,因甲型流感入院,很紧张。 你从他父亲的电话中得知了这件事,并决定写一封哀悼信。 主要功能包括: >>>More

  27. 1个回答2024-04-15


  28. 1个回答2024-04-15

    In summary, it seems impossible that for every person that is subjected to media scrutiny, his or her reputation will eventually be diminished. Millions of people are mentioned in the media every day yet still manage to go about their lives unhurt by the media. Normal individuals that are subjected to media scrutiny can have their reputation either enhanced or damaged depending on the circumstances surrounding the media coverage. >>>More

  29. 8个回答2024-04-15

    传统文化,我们是不是渐渐失去了你 1.在全球化的语境下,中国传统即将失传?近来,大众明显感受到了中国传统即将丧失,同时也引发了一系列新的反思,即在新的全球环境下,西方的生活方式和西方文化已经随着经济强国席卷而来。

  30. 1个回答2024-04-15
