
发布于 2024-09-26
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-07

    Dear Lihua:

    I find an Internet friend say you are fat and ugly in his blog,Maybe you are anxious about it But in my opinion it is nothing important than something,Perhaps you are a little fat but you are strong and have a health body,if you think what he says is correct ,you can take a balance diet and do more exercise,Someday I believed that you will lose you weight,If you need any help,Let me know,your best friend.

    此致 xxx 年月日。

  1. 2个回答2024-09-26

    看! 菊花昂首挺胸,豆芽般的花瓣紧紧地簇拥在一起,远远望去,真是一副似的模样。 >>>More

  2. 1个回答2024-09-26

    回顾过去的我,2010年即将过去,我即将迎来新的2011年。 译本。

  3. 1个回答2024-09-26

    if a person's style is honored and supported, they will find their way in their own time and, just like the tortoise, they might just beat the speedier, more easily distracted person to the finish line. It's important to remember that we are not actually in a race to get somewhere ahead of someone else, and it is difficult to judge by appearances whether

  4. 1个回答2024-09-26


    白爱吃,我也不例外。 >>>More

  5. 5个回答2024-09-26

    桃花世界里有很多美丽的花朵,从鲜艳的山丹花、粉红的牵牛花、蓝宝石蓝的铃铛花,但我最喜欢的是春天的使者——桃花。 >>>More

  6. 1个回答2024-09-26

    菊花有“把花带到9月8日,花开后我就杀百花”的嚣张气焰,还有“菊花,花中的隐士”。 “人们怎么能不爱它呢? 我不仅喜欢菊花的美丽,还喜欢它骄傲的霜的精神。 >>>More

  7. 2个回答2024-09-26


    我的菊花是白色、红色和黄色的,我最喜欢的是黄色的菊花。 它黄色的花瓣像切碎的萝卜,像一个女孩美丽的卷发,卷曲成一缕。 如果你仔细观察,你会发现它的花瓣末端有一个小尖的倒钩,看起来像老虎的爪子,我妈妈说这是一朵虎爪菊,我想这就是虎爪菊名字的由来。 >>>More

  8. 1个回答2024-09-26

    菊花秋天来了,秋姑娘穿上了金黄色的衣服,我和爸爸在这个季节去看了菊花展。 >>>More

  9. 1个回答2024-09-26

    我家有一盆青翠优雅的芦荟。 它被许多绿色的小苗子包围着,这些苗子逐渐长得越来越高。 再过几天,这些小苗就会慢慢长大,变成绿色的小芦荟。 >>>More

  10. 2个回答2024-09-26

    樱花和雪月,落樱花五颜六色......眨眼间,樱花已经遍布校园,火树和银花在风的漫步下绽放出天真可爱的笑脸。 >>>More

  11. 1个回答2024-09-26


    在我家的屋顶上,有一个小花园,里面种着几朵玫瑰。 >>>More

  12. 1个回答2024-09-26

    莲花是圣洁和美丽的象征,她洁白无瑕地从污泥中走出来,洒着芬芳和自然的独特性,极其细腻纯洁谦虚,纤细优雅,讨人喜欢。 一片绿色的海洋。 有的荷叶只露出一点嫩尖,非常可爱; 有的已经长到手掌大小,微风吹拂,随风摇曳,挺立不倒;有的已经长成“大玉板”,生机勃勃。 >>>More

  13. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Peter, I was received your letter and would like to anwser your question. You were asked me how to learn Chinese well. I will give my suggestions on four aspects. >>>More

  14. 2个回答2024-09-26

    My name is Li Hua. My home town is LiHua village. It is a small village located at GuangXi. >>>More

  15. 1个回答2024-09-26

    She is a teacher who looks the students' benefits more important than class is funny and we can understand it is always kind to us while sometimes she will be strict with us. Her teaching quantity is higher and higher due to she is >>>More

  16. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear friend,If you want to learn English well ,I can give you some advice. >>>More

  17. 1个回答2024-09-26

    我妈是我最了解的人,她长着一张娃娃脸和一双小眼睛,虽然我妈很普通,但她有很多优点。 >>>More

  18. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Marinated Tomato

    Tomato 300g >>>More

  19. 4个回答2024-09-26


    My name is LiHua. I bought a television in your market yesterday. >>>More

  20. 1个回答2024-09-26

    liwen wuho twelve the see faing leikou sholle ertng .我翻译 Llaong Liwen Dern Leifhg the hfid l ghon terou sholle ehvk dhen see she mongu biutefu jeng ertng

  21. 2个回答2024-09-26

    Li Hua is my good friend. He likes sports or outdoor activities, whether indoor sports. We get along very well, often exchange of feelings and thoughts. >>>More

  22. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Li Tao

    I am very happy to hear that you'll come to China in order to improve your Chinese. Learning Chinese is like learning other languages is hard work, so you'd better spend lots of time on it. You should watch Chinese programs. >>>More

  23. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Tom

    I am very happy to receive your letter. I am fine these days but a bit busy. I am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every day. >>>More

  24. 1个回答2024-09-26


    更重要的是,他们甚至不给积分。 >>>More

  25. 1个回答2024-09-26

    在我家门前,有几朵小野菊。 不知道这些野菊是什么时候开始在那里生长的,在我的记忆里,好像只有一两朵,然后它们长得越来越旺盛,长得大大的。每年秋叶散落,寒冬来临之际,都会绽放,金黄的花朵十分醒目! >>>More

  26. 2个回答2024-09-26


  27. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Miss Yao,I will graduate from our would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during the three years. You were always so patient when I asked you questions. You listened to them carefully and explained everything so thoroughly. >>>More

  28. 2个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Cousin,am sorry to hear that you had a fight with your don't know the ,it's always wrong to fight with don't worry,my will tell you what to do

  29. 2个回答2024-09-26

    o( o 唉。 我想抱怨。

    这也是我们以前有的英语作文题。 >>>More

  30. 1个回答2024-09-26

    Dear Tom,I've received your email and I'm glad you will come to China. You said you were worried about getting along with new classmates? No worry about that. >>>More