
发布于 2024-10-03
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-07

    My. name. is.

    Li hua. i will hold on a english meeting i will invite to John take part in together octomber 15th afternoon at seven o'clock


  2. 匿名用户2023-11-06


  1. 6个回答2024-10-03

    伙计,英语专业的学生,最高级别是专业8级,没有10级,翻译的时候没人相信。 >>>More

  2. 2个回答2024-10-03

    o( o 唉。 我想抱怨。

    这也是我们以前有的英语作文题。 >>>More

  3. 1个回答2024-10-03

    My name is LiHua and I was born in February 1995,ChengDu ,SiChuan studied in GuangMing primary school >>>More

  4. 1个回答2024-10-03

    A student named Li Hua asked me for help.

    A student named Li Hua requested me for help. >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-10-03

    Dear Tom

    I am very happy to receive your am fine these days but a bit am always busy with my study and there are lots of homework to do every work hard and I am interested in all the subjects so I can alwasy get good often do sports for about twenty minutes after school because it's good for my health and it can help me am going to take an important exam so that I can get into senior I will try as hard as I about you? >>>More

  6. 1个回答2024-10-03

    My name is li hua, 18 years am a student of grade three excellent want to know the read the tuition fees and living expenses, and in whether to need to test?

  7. 1个回答2024-10-03

    My name is Li Hua. I am a student who has taught spoken English before.

  8. 2个回答2024-10-03


  9. 3个回答2024-10-03

    My name is Li Hua, the president of student union

  10. 2个回答2024-10-03

    您好: 不要随便增加土豆租片,按照说明书服用或在舒森赵医生的指导下服用,大多数高血压患者早上血压高,中午就会下降,所以降压药春昊应该在早上七点之前服用, 而且服药后血压下降过快、过低,是非常危险的。我希望我能帮到你。

  11. 1个回答2024-10-03

    你想说什么? 是局促不安的吗? 是不是暗自开心? >>>More

  12. 1个回答2024-10-03

    I'm Li Hua, a freshman at Tsinghua University.

  13. 1个回答2024-10-03

    My name is li hua, a senior student. I like English very much. i always Read aloudly every morning. >>>More

  14. 4个回答2024-10-03


  15. 1个回答2024-10-03


  16. 3个回答2024-10-03


    I am Li Hua, an editor from Legend Newspaper >>>More

  17. 1个回答2024-10-03

    白天,你碰它可能是因为它要睡觉了,你手里有食物的味道会以为是吃了什么就咬你,老头老太太这样的仓鼠咬人更狠,一般仓鼠是轻咬不会咬血的, 刚养起来的时候你不熟悉它不要用力抓挠它,会害怕,一天给一只面包虫或者其他仓鼠零食,过了多久它就知道你会给好吃的,然后轻轻摸摸它就不会那么凶猛了,仓鼠的性格就不一样了,有些亲戚很快就熟悉了, 有些不是亲戚或被以前的主人伤害过的人,更怕人们长期无法抚养。

  18. 5个回答2024-10-03

    My name is li hua, I am a senior student

  19. 3个回答2024-10-03


  20. 5个回答2024-10-03


    x=22.工作量。 >>>More

  21. 2个回答2024-10-03

    放弃是什么意思? 在我们的成长过程中,有很多东西可以选择,但选择也意味着放弃,因为每一次选择,你也会失去一些东西。 >>>More

  22. 1个回答2024-10-03

    I'm Li Hua, a high school student in China. I am very fond of the University of Cambridge, and I'm interested in Education.

  23. 3个回答2024-10-03

    i am li hua from hongxing middle school

  24. 1个回答2024-10-03


    1. 查看设备底部的接口,确保内部没有碎屑。 >>>More

  25. 1个回答2024-10-03


    1.首先,在计算机上安装iTunes。 然后启动iTunes。 >>>More

  26. 2个回答2024-10-03

    通常用水来观察土壤的表面。 通常,如果要判断蜘蛛植物是否需要浇水,则不需要按照规定几天浇一次水,只需要看一下盆中土层的表面,如果土壤看起来干燥,用牙签挑出里面的土壤也是干燥的, 你可以浇水。 >>>More

  27. 1个回答2024-10-03


    说,慢充与换屏无关。涉及屏幕。 >>>More

  28. 1个回答2024-10-03

    这意味着你的皮肤不适合酸性面膜,有点过敏。 >>>More

  29. 1个回答2024-10-03

    Good morning, everyone, my name is XXX, nine years old, and my favourite interest is drawing. I wish I can be a teacter when I am growing up, and make the children to be happy.

  30. 1个回答2024-10-03

    然后呢? 这是怎么回事? 既然我赶着还没写完就发布,肯定有后续......