
发布于 2024-02-23
  1. 匿名用户2023-11-06

    Finally,the degree of productivity of a person will depend upon the type of team that is the group composed of equally contributing individuals?Does the group have an outstanding leader that can motivate both the individuals and the team as a whole?From a pure productivity standpoint,the presence or absence of a charismatic and exceptional leader can make all the difference whether a person would be more productive as a part of a team or as an types that work well together can prove to be much more productive as part of a team than as individuals,and vice versa.

  1. 2个回答2024-02-23

    l like potatoes ,but my mother doesn,t like

  2. 1个回答2024-02-23

    My favorite fruit is is red and looks beautiful and eating,it is sweet and tastes very love eating it when I was very grow older,I love it sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with hope everyone can be safe all the time,do not like my feel very sad as she passes I have a special love for apple.

  3. 6个回答2024-02-23

    人们喜欢的水果有很多,如:香蕉、草莓、西瓜、葡萄、梨等。 我最喜歡的水果是蘋果,因為有人說:「一天一個蘋果,醫生遠離你。 “苹果有很多事情要做。 >>>More

  4. 2个回答2024-02-23

    有的人喜欢从泥土里冒出来不染污的荷花,有的人喜欢清新飘逸的兰花,但我喜欢浓郁谦逊的梅花。 >>>More

  5. 1个回答2024-02-23

    There are so many kinds of my favourite friuit is lots of people like to eat apple ,so do i. >>>More

  6. 2个回答2024-02-23

    I like tomatoes and salads.

  7. 1个回答2024-02-23

    I have seen in a magazine that there is a disabled boy named Zhou has been very obsessed with Jay. He would think of ways to go to Jay Chou's concert scene, and even suicide. Li Dong knew the news and said he would not go to see him. >>>More

  8. 2个回答2024-02-23

    我最喜欢的明星是李雨春。 如果你看过超级女声,你一定认识她,她是2005年超级女声的冠军。 喜欢它的人是玉米,我和我妈妈都是玉米。 >>>More

  9. 2个回答2024-02-23

    I like tomatoes. I eat them at noon.

  10. 1个回答2024-02-23

    62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333337383861) by Chinese media.

  11. 4个回答2024-02-23

    春天,大地复活,所有的植物都苏醒了。 月花也绽放了。 >>>More

  12. 2个回答2024-02-23

    你好! 我喜欢番茄汤和土豆。

    I like tomato soup and potato. >>>More

  13. 2个回答2024-02-23

    I like tomatoes. They are healthy and delicious.

    I like tomatoes. They are healthy and delicious. >>>More

  14. 3个回答2024-02-23

    方便的答案。 我喜欢西盛饿西红柿的桥,英文是。 Iliketomato >>>More

  15. 5个回答2024-02-23

    Of all the vegetables, I like ( tomatoes) best.

    解释:番茄应该是复数形式。 >>>More

  16. 1个回答2024-02-23

    For vegetables, I like tomatoes and carrots.

  17. 2个回答2024-02-23

    I don't like tomatoes at all.

  18. 3个回答2024-02-23

    I like tomato and cauliflower,but he doesn't.

    I like I like tomato and cauliflower,but not his favourite. >>>More

  19. 3个回答2024-02-23

    I don't like potatoes or tomatoes.

  20. 2个回答2024-02-23


    Tomatoesaremy >>>More

  21. 3个回答2024-02-23

    My parents like eating potatoes and tomatoes.

  22. 4个回答2024-02-23

    I like tomatoes What about you

  23. 2个回答2024-02-23

    苹果和葡萄柚可以放在一个保鲜盒里! 西红柿分开,火龙果分开! 如果条件条件,可以放一个保鲜盒装一个水果,但这是最好的!

  24. 2个回答2024-02-23

    今天下午,一家人吃完晚饭后,我们决定趁着夜色出门,看看池塘里的荷花。 >>>More

  25. 2个回答2024-02-23

    I like to eat tomatoes fried Steamed Rice

  26. 1个回答2024-02-23


  27. 1个回答2024-02-23

    有的人喜欢婀娜多姿的牡丹花,有的人喜欢小巧娇嫩的水仙花,有的人喜欢不沾泥的荷花,但我对菊花有着独特的热爱。 >>>More

  28. 2个回答2024-02-23

    l like eating tomatoes.

    I like to eat tomatoes. >>>More

  29. 3个回答2024-02-23

    实际上,这是一句简单的短语“我喜欢吃西红柿”。它包含两个以上的含义,属于语用学的范畴。 如: >>>More